
"The Importance of Great Package Design in Increasing Sales"

Great package design can boost sales by attracting attention, communicating product information, building brand recognition, enhancing perceived value, and differentiating from competitors. Well-designed packaging creates a strong connection between a product and its target market, increasing the likelihood of purchase and ultimately driving sales.

Featured Brands

"Unleashing Boldness and Visibility: The DRIXET Extension Cord Packaging Design"

How we arrived

The design for DRIXET extension cords was developed with careful consideration of color palette, placement, framing, and overall shelf appeal. The brand's bold orange and green color scheme was used to create an eye-catching design that stands out on store shelves. The product placement was also strategically planned to ensure that the product is easily visible and accessible. Overall, the design effectively communicates the product's quality, reliability, and value, making it a top choice for customers in need of extension cords.

"Bubble Jump Pogo Sticks: 
Fun and Playful Design for Kids"

The design for Bubble Jump Pogo Sticks was created with the target audience of kids in mind. To appeal to this demographic, we opted for a fun and playful design that is both visually appealing and engaging. A bright and bold color palette was selected, featuring electric shades of yellow, green, and hot pink to create an energetic and lively feel. The placement of product images and text was carefully considered to ensure that the key features of the pogo sticks were highlighted, while also making it easy for kids to understand and use the product. The overall design is eye-catching, and encourages kids to engage with the product, making it a popular choice among young consumers.

School days are better with Enday! 

We wanted to create a design for there school supplies that was fun and exciting and in line with there branding. Kids love emojis, so they incorporated that into there branding. We used bright colors and playful fonts to capture the attention of young students. Our goal was to create a design that was both visually appealing and familiar to kids. Overall, we are thrilled with the design we came up with and have seen tons of engagement.

Bad design is smoke, while a good design is a mirror. (Juan Carlos Fernandez)


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